Some Photos from Old Mill Village
18th Century Living History Weekend
August 12th & 13th, 2000
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The town of New Milford, PA is awaken to the call for
Selin's Independent Rifle Company fires a
on the Village Green.
Selin's Company along with Shreve's Horse march into
town on Saturday morning to raise recruits
for the defense of freedom.
Hugh Francis and Bob Allegreto put on a spectacular show
horsemanship, sword work and incredible courage!
(No fingers were lost we were told)
Cannons roar and Battles rage!
The 24th Connecticut Militia Regiment
The 11th PA Regiment
hold back the British from
crossing the covered bridge.
One more volley boys, then fall back
and they will get a load of grapeshot.
A close up look at woodland warfare in the
This year at Old Mill Village's 18th Century
event over 200 members of the public were escorted in to the
where reenactors of the French & Indian War period staged a
woodland battle and attack of our escorts.
Yes, it was frightening and realistic and not for the "faint of
but is gave us a glimpse into this troubled time in our country's
On the lighter side! I did say LITE!
The "Great Flambe" thrilled the crowds with his death defying
Fire, I believe was a great delicacy in the
18th Century
and nobody serves it up better then Kenneth
Katie starts the pilot light!
A man with his tongue on fire!
"How does he do it?"
Interaction with the public:
The 24th Conn. Militia Regiment's members share their wealth of
knowledge with the visitors.