We made some changes to our schedule this year so that we could vary things a bit and add some new features into the weekend. We didn't do a Revolutionary War Battle this time out but we did a very elaborate scenario put together by Larry Gorecki and the rest of the Rev War re enactors. At first I was a bit worried if it would work or not ...it was a big gamble but those folks pulled it off with flying colors! It was based in the year 1777 when Major General Benjamin Lincoln was given command of the northern army. The general was to stop by the frontier settlement at Old Mill to visit his good friend Col. Jeffrey Smith on this trip north to take his new command. There was to be a parade of forces and a show of arms for the General's visit. Little did we know that we would see the firing of an original Crimean War Cannon brought to the event by Forrest Taylor of Cannons on Line. The last time the gun had been fired was for Queen Elizabeth's 25th Anniversary of her reign.
Well any way you look at it , it was awesome Thanks to all those who did the acting ( it was superb) and everyone else that helped out
Now go to the Rev War Photos Click here!
Well the French & Indian War Scenario also had me worried this year since we lost the use of the covered bridge due to damage it sustained in the flooding from Hurricane Ivan in 2004. How do we get all of the public safely across the stream? Well Mother Nature cooperated with the hottest summer in many years , dropping the water levels for the event and with the help early Friday before the event from master wilderness road builder Rick Valent, we were all set by event time. Also thank you Dave Fancher, for the early Sunday repair work to the road after the freak rain storm! The Bradock Road was a success! We also had a new commander of the French Milice forces this year, George Rogers. They built woodland camps along the trail that were able to be seen by the public on their way up to the attack site. As always Mark Achtermann entertained the public with his acting skills as the French captive.
Onto the French & Indian War Photos Click Here!
The Camp in general was very nice. Many good photo opportunities. The Pig Roast, as always, was great - Thank you , Sue Barefoot-Pratt ! You are the main reason why it works! I would also like to thank all the new faces of re-enactors that came up for the day on Saturday & Sunday; also those of you that we thought we wouldn't see but did! Thanks Hugh !
The night time activities on Saturday evening were quite suppressed by the heavy rains - I'm very sorry about that.
(Thanks to John Taber and Joe Giammarco of the United Train of Artillery for letting Old Mill be the transfer point for Rhode Island's historic cargo.) A world of thanks to all those that participated, helped out or in anyway were affiliated with the event. Looking forward to next year's 10th anniversary on August 12th & 13th 2006
On to the camp photos Click Here!